I try to make this story so, hope u like it !
I try to make this story so, hope u like it !
“Thanks Greyson!” kataku sambil memeluknya. Greyson
pun membalas pelukan ku.
“uhmm.sorry” kataku.
“for what?”
“I hugged you. I’m not your girlf right? I just your fans
“hey, noprob. Hahaha, why do u so serious?”
“uhmm, nothing”
“for what?”
“I hugged you. I’m not your girlf right? I just your fans
“hey, noprob. Hahaha, why do u so serious?”
“uhmm, nothing”
Ahhhh jadi awkward gini-_- lu si Ann bego banget
make meluk greyson segala._. tapi gapapalahh meluk idola sekali-sekali wkwk.
Ann: “so, you can sign this Greygrey :3”
Greyson: “k, I’ll do it.”
Ann: “I should go to kitchen now”
Greyson: “for what?”
Ann: “bring some snacks and drink, you want?”
Greyson: “k, I’ll do it.”
Ann: “I should go to kitchen now”
Greyson: “for what?”
Ann: “bring some snacks and drink, you want?”
Aku kedapur untuk mengambil makanan dan minuman,
sementara greyson menyelesaikan tugas yang kuberikan.
Ann: “this, some snacks and drink”
Greyson: “thanks!”
Ann: “Anytime”
Greyson: “umm, wanna watching the movie?”
Ann: “sure, which one movie do u like”
Greyson: “horror?”
Ann: “NOOO, please!”
Greyson: “ don’t worry, I’m here”
Ann: “ok”
Greyson: “thanks!”
Ann: “Anytime”
Greyson: “umm, wanna watching the movie?”
Ann: “sure, which one movie do u like”
Greyson: “horror?”
Ann: “NOOO, please!”
Greyson: “ don’t worry, I’m here”
Ann: “ok”
Disitu Ann bener-bener takut sampe dia sembunyi
dibelakang Greyson, terus Greyson nenangin dia sambil ngelus-ngelus rambutnya
Ann *pengen T_T *abaikan
Film selesai.
Greyson: “Ann?”
(ann masih sembunyi di bahunya Greyson)
Greyson: “Ann?”
Ann: “ya?”
Greyson: “the movie is end”
Ann: “ end? *sambilcengo*
Greyson: “yaa, your face looks so funny hahaha” *sambilmengacakrambutAnn*
Ann: “huh ): hey! Wanna accompany me to go to post office?”
Greyson: “sure! Why not babe?”
seketika mukaku langsung merah :3 hehehe
seketika mukaku langsung merah :3 hehehe
Ann: “kay, leggo!”
Greyson dan Ann pun langsung pergi ke kantor pos
untuk mengantarkan kado ke Rebecca, karena tinggal 2 hari lagi. Ann memilih
tarif yang cepat sampai. Kemungkinan pas sama ulang tahun Rebecca.
*2hari berlalu*
“hari ini ultah Rebecca, kebetulan gue libur :3
huahahah. Stay at home aja ah! Kebetulan Char, Mitchy, Janette sama Kate gak
ngajakin main. Begitu juga greyson :3 jadi gue dirumah aja haha” ucap Ann
sambil ketawa-ketawa gajelas
(tiba-tiba handphone bordering)
“hey! Greyson. why you call me?”
“umm, why?”
“wanna hangout with me?”
“follow me! You should to take a bath right now. I will pickup you at 11:00”
“k, bye!”
“hey! Greyson. why you call me?”
“umm, why?”
“wanna hangout with me?”
“follow me! You should to take a bath right now. I will pickup you at 11:00”
“k, bye!”
Darimana dia tau kalo gue belom mandi? -___-hhh bodo
amat lah. Gue lupa! 15 menit lagi jam 10 ._____.
Ann langsung buru-buru mandi. Dan memilih baju.
Karna pusing mau pake baju apa akhirnya Ann hanya memakai Skinny Jeans dan kaos
warna putih bergambar peace. Rambutnya hanya digerai dan hanya memakai bedak
tipis saja.
“ah greyson udah dateng -__- dia ilfeel gak ya ama
penampilan gue? Bodo amat deh ya wkwk” kata Ann
Greyson: Heyy!!
Ann: Hey!
Greyson: we both wear the same clothes (:
Ann: really? *sambil melihat kearah baju* yea! We wear the same clothes :D
Greyson: k, leggo!
Ann: Hey!
Greyson: we both wear the same clothes (:
Ann: really? *sambil melihat kearah baju* yea! We wear the same clothes :D
Greyson: k, leggo!
Diperjalanan aku masih cengo. Kenapa kita harus
barengan bajunya -__- ah tapi bodoamat lah. Namanya kan jodoh :3 hehehe, inget
Ann lo Cuma fans -_-
Greyson membawaku ke suatu tempat. Ini seperti
tempat konser. Dan benar saja ini KONSER COLDPLAY!!! WWOOOOWWW.
Ann: “we go to Coldplay’s Concert you mean?”
Greyson: “yea, why?”
Ann: “raaahhhh, you don’t talk first to me -_-“
Greyson: “why? You looks so gorgeous”
Ann: really? :$ thanks Greyson!”
Greyson: anytime! Leggo. We should buy some stuffs
Ann: ok!
Greyson: “yea, why?”
Ann: “raaahhhh, you don’t talk first to me -_-“
Greyson: “why? You looks so gorgeous”
Ann: really? :$ thanks Greyson!”
Greyson: anytime! Leggo. We should buy some stuffs
Ann: ok!
Pada saat membeli stuff2 banyak yg menegur Greyson
dan minta foto bareng. Mereka juga melihatku dengan Greyson memakai baju yang
sama ._. aduh bagaimana ini?
tiba-tiba ada seorang anak kecil yang mendatangi aku
“Hey!” ucap seorang anak kecil
“Hey!” kataku.
“umm I saw you and Greyson wear the same clothes. Are you dating with Greyson” ucap anak kecil itu lagi”
“nononono, we’re just friend hahaha, why?” kataku.
“oww, I thought you’re dating with Greyson. k, thanks!”
“noprob (:”
“Hey!” kataku.
“umm I saw you and Greyson wear the same clothes. Are you dating with Greyson” ucap anak kecil itu lagi”
“nononono, we’re just friend hahaha, why?” kataku.
“oww, I thought you’re dating with Greyson. k, thanks!”
“noprob (:”
Tell me what do ya think. maaf postnya kelamaan u,u
maaf juga kalo grammarnya berantakan haha
ask me for part 8!
Tell me what do ya think. maaf postnya kelamaan u,u
maaf juga kalo grammarnya berantakan haha
ask me for part 8!
Written by - @febrizkaam -
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